I don't want to be a crazy cat lady but I love my cats. Living in London its difficult to give the room and space a dog deserves. Plus we are out of the house most of the day and this would not be fair for a dog.
A cat on the other hand is a bit different as they are more independant and sleep most of the day.
Both Fergal and Olive are from unwanted homes and have long stories to go with them. Anyway I got them both within their first year of their lives and they live happily with us now.
Fergal is small and a very handsome tabby. He acts like a dog and follows us everywhere around the flat. Like everywhere all the time. He is also quite needy and can't be left on his own for long.
Olive is the lady of flat and basically we are all her minions. She is very cool and laid back and the complete opposite of Fergs.
Worm fun.

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